Term 4 Music

- keep a beat
- keep a beat using different instruments

Term 4 Dance

Big Idea: We can express ourselves creatively through dance

Deep Understandings:
The children will understand:
That dance has evolved through the decades.
That to learn a dance you need to follow a series of instructions.
Dance is a form of social interaction.
Dance is good for your health and well being.

Skill Focus:
1 - Learn the specific steps to a dance
2 - Keep in time to the music
3 - Follow instructions

Value Focus (Excellence)
1 - Trying our best
2 - Persevering

3 - Acknowledging the efforts of others

Term 4 Discovery & Key Competencies

September 27, 2013

Key Competency: Participating & Contributing

How are you showing that you are participating and contributing?

“You’re doing what the game is meant to be.”

Term 4 Writing

I think this is a great piece of writing because...

"I used 'to' and it's my favourite word."

I am going to...

Term 4 CARE Values

Greer, when you play nicely, you are being your best self. I like to see you playing nicely with your friends!